Yes. My great-grandmother who emigrated to the US in 1920 from Scotland had many very legitimate / desperate reasons to leave her country of origin and come here, and came with legal authorization. But she would not have qualified under the current asylum laws. All she had to do to enter legally was declare that she had $5, was not an anarchist / felon / person of bad moral character, and that she had a family member willing to receive her. And here I am 100 years later.

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Many people receive a ton of money for importing migrants, administering the programs that give them taxpayer-funded goodies and services, serving in the various ethnic lobbies and set-aside organizations - obviously all of those people have a vested interest in importing more. The refugee resettlement industrial complex: https://www.heritage.org/immigration/event/the-illegal-immigration-industrial-complex-how-nonprofits-and-corporations-are

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