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The divide and conquer threat most pertinent to America are the mass population transfers of foreigners into America and demographic reengineering against the will of the citizens who are subsidizing their replacement. (See Plyer v. Doe, Proposition 187 in CA, birthright citizenship, etc..). Currently this scale is unprecedented in history: Illegal aliens since 2021 total more than individual populations of 38 states; illegal crossings top 8 million since Biden took office, with some estimates much higher. The Biden regime is actively importing ringers for permanent political dominance - which is why every Democratic amnesty bill consolidates the recent influx and grants citizenship, with the effective date for unauthorized entry always moving forward. The bait and switch since the Reagan amnesty continues, with amnesty preceding meaningful enforcement, whether that amnesty is authorized by Congress or executive decree.

We're at a point where complaining about "foreign interference" is almost always in bad faith and a cover. Ah yes, we must prevent the Russian government from sabotaging the American people and the independence of our patriotic leaders like Chuck Schumer or Alejandro Mayorkas.

The Globalist American Empire is at war with the American nation. It isn’t a border crisis, it’s a plot.

It isn’t immigration, it’s an invasion. It isn’t spontaneous, it’s coordinated.

It's much easier to focus on remedying your own domestic grievances when you aren't importing a foreign class with issues of their own and needlessly subjecting your country to the whole new set of identity politics or ancient blood feuds that they bring with them.

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